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12 Volt car Battery Monitor Circuit

12 Volt car Battery Monitor Circuit12 Volt car Battery Monitor Circuit

This circuit can be used to monitor the voltage level of a car battery. When the battery voltage is 11.5V or less the transistor Q1 is on and D1 glowing.When LED battery voltage is between 11.5 to 13.5 V, the transistor Q2 is on and the glowing LED D2 .

When the battery voltage is above 13.5 V, the transistor Q3 is on and the LED D3 will be bright. The 12 volt control can be connected between terminals A and B and for the convenience of using LEDs of different colors.

List component of Monitor status battery 12 volt
-R1,R3,R6: 1k 1/4W Resistance
-R2: 100K 1/4W Resistance
-R4,R5,R7,R8: 3.3K 1/4W Resistance
-D1: LED red color
-D2: LED yellow color
-d7: LED green COLOR
-D2,D4,D5,D8,D9: 1N4148 diode 1 ampere
-D6: BZX79C10 diode Zener 10 volt
-D10: BZX79C12 diode Zener 12 volt
-Q1,Q2: BC547 NPN transistor
-Q3: BC557 PNP transistor